Healing Fear & Anxiety Workshop

With Ariela HaLevi


Rise from the Ashes of Fear and Anxiety and
Transform Your Life

This is an Announcement from your Soul:

Fear is shutting you down.

The unknown is shutting you down.

Exhaustion is shutting you down.

Never-ending COVID is shutting you down.

Social isolation is shutting you down.

Constant bombardment of overdramatized news is shutting you down. 

You have every reason to feel exhausted right now and to want to shut down.  To be tired, to give up, to feel like the world is collapsing.  

 But your soul is here to tell you:

You are no longer just feeling scared. You are exhausted from feeling scared.

Every part of you is wanting to throw in the towel.

But your soul is calling to you: you are not meant to live in FEAR.

Fear and anxiety is NOT your soul calling, and your body is not happy living inside of fear. 

Shine Your Light

You have lived far too many lives and managed to come this far through so many ancestral wounds. You are here at this time to heal on high speed. You are here to learn how to pummel anxiety and fear and the past beliefs and junk that has made you feel small and disempowered, and shine that magnificent light that you came here to be!

You are here to nurture your gifts and dreams, share your truths, and lift off into this massive wave of higher consciousness that is here for you NOW. 

That fear and anxiety is wanting to shed its skin right now. 

Like the Phoenix rising from the ashes, it is time to go deep into your roots and pull out the roots of fear. 

Now is the time to come back to the remembrance of who you are, and step into and own your Divine Blueprint of Love, Health, Peace, Balance and Truth.

Now is the time to rise up and release the fears and anxiety. Stop the spinning. Get off this train. Learn to live as the sovereign being that you are.

When you buy into the fear and anxiety, your body reacts, your energy shuts down, and you draw to yourself the fear and negativity of others. Why? Because it's palpable right now.

But what you need is a support system and a magnified spiritual toolbox that gets you not just through an hour of the day, but tools that propel you forward into higher consciousness and expansion of your energy field. And most importantly, you DESERVE to feel good!

I have spent decades living in fear. Ancestral fears have been passed down to me. I know what it feels like to be afraid of fully living. My past came back to haunt me during this pandemic, begging me to release fears and anxieties so I could live in light and joy.

Ariela is loving, warm, inviting, understanding, non judge-mental, and fun. If you’re feeling the call to work with Ariela, and to train with her, don’t ignore it. One decision can change the rest of your life, you hold the power to make your life magical.
— -Skye M.

I created a Spiritual Toolbox and Light Roadmap with specific tools and techniques to help you heal your fears NOW.

I want to show you how to live in love and surrender to Spirit and come back to your Divine Blueprint, your very own North Star.

It’s time to stand in your sovereignty and feel empowered. It’s time to connect to your heart and release ancestral and old wounding, that story that says you can’t have it all.

It is time to rise up and say YES to the powerful love that is inside of you, and NO to the voice in your head that keeps you stuck, and NO to the inorganic information that is bombarding you with fear every day.

I am excited to show you my powerful unique roadmap for healing anxiety and fear and learning how to expand your energy field, raise your vibration and remember that you are the master of your reality. 

I believe you came here to shine and also heal that junk that keeps standing in your way of owning your truth.

I want to teach you how to look UP; look up and connect to Spirit, to your soul and your truth. You deserve to look up and into the REAL YOU. It is not time to shrink. It is time to expand.  


There is a powerful expansion of humanity happening, and I want you to be a part of it. If you have been exhausted, fearful, anxious, ready for some real techniques and energy transmissions that work, then this is the workshop for you.


What to Expect

  • Energy activations and upgrades to release ancestral, past life, and current blocks and old fears

  • Ritual and ceremony to release and finally be free of anxiety and fears

  • Unique spiritual tools to feel empowered and stop drowning 

  • Meditations and guided emotional release visualizations to gain insight to change your inner life and manifest your truth

Registration is closed

What People Are Saying


“Ariela is an extraordinary healer and teacher. Her patience and kindness coupled with her ability to reach through the challenges I have faced, have led me to a wonderful new spiritual awareness and calm.”


“I’ve been in many healing circles, but never one where I felt the spirit of my ancestors so clearly and powerfully! ”

— Jane M. (Toronto, Canada)


“As a first timer to a healing circle, I truly didn’t know what to expect, but having experienced this circle I can say that I want more - more healing, more guidance and more spirit!”

— Jamie H. (Boston, MA)

“Ariela is a gifted soul, able to connect to Source, but more importantly able to share that connection and empower participants to connect on their own.”

— Barb G. (Des Moines, IA)


“I’ve been in a lot of virtual teachings and gatherings, and usually pay attention while doing 10 other things. Not this time. Not in this circle. I was riveted, hanging on every single word.”

— Denise L. (Los Angeles, CA)