5 Ways To Honor Your Deceased Dad

Here are 5 ways you can honor your dad who no longer walks this earth this Father’s Day.

1. Make Time

Make formal time to remember him. Maybe that means spending an hour in meditation, quietly listening for him. Maybe that means going to his grave, taking his grandkids with you, and speaking to him there. Hopefully, it means joining us at 9:30 am (MST) for a memorial service and celebration of his life to pay tribute to him.

2. Make Space

Just because your dad isn’t physically here doesn’t mean you don’t need physical ways to connect. Perhaps you can light a candle for him, let it burn throughout the day and reflect on the ways his flame continues to illuminate your life. Put out some pictures of him. Place in your pocket a keepsake of him (I carry my dad’s toy soldier with me on such special days).

3. Tell His Stories

A person dies 2 deaths: once when their body dies and once when their story dies. You are the guardian of your dad’s story. You keep him alive through telling it. Take some time to tell stories about your dad to your kids, spouse or friends. Write down the stories. A life worth living is a life worth recording! Share some thoughts on FB – or write them here in the comments. Tell his story!

4. Do Good In His Name

Lastly, do something tangible, specific and impactful to make this world a better place in your dad’s memory. Donate money to a cause he loved. Buy a meal for a homeless person. Volunteer some time to a worthy organization. Or just pick up the phone and call someone who might be lonely, or maybe a dad who is alone because his child is gone, neglectful or dead.

5. Spend Time With Your Family

Maybe your dad was always there, always available, always present. Maybe he was not. If he was, or if he wasn’t, you honor him by following his example, or redeeming his mistakes. So, spend some time this Father’s Day with your loved ones. Do it consciously and mindfully in his honor. As you love, he loves and you can be certain he loves watching you carrying this love for the both of you, passing it on and on and on.

Lastly, this Father’s Day, remember this – even if your dad died, your dad is not dead.

The love you feel for him is the proof. He lives on in so many ways. In spirit. In legacy. In you.

Happy Father’s Day Dad. I love you

Dedicated to my dad, Shelly Perelman, a man who left too soon, but who’s life, legacy and light continue to shine on long after his body is gone.


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