How to Handle Grief During Quarantine

How to Handle Grief During Quarantine

Losing a loved one is never easy. In fact, it’s one of the hardest things to do at any stage in life. Unfortunately, since the COVID-19 pandemic has started, thousands of families weren’t even able to be there as their loved ones passed due to the disease’s ability to be easily transmitted.

Childhood grief statistics state that 1.5 million children live in a single-parent home because of the loss of one parent and nearly 2 million children under 18 have lost both parents. Sadly, millions of people around the world are finding out their loved ones are passing on for other reasons, as well. This pandemic is changing the way we know how to deal with grief. But there are still things that can be done to limit the pain and move on from these difficult times.

Here are some great tips for dealing with grief during the coronavirus:

  • Grief and loss counseling — Consulting with a grief and loss counseling professional is an excellent decision for those who are struggling with bereavement during this global pandemic. A grief counselor will help you through these initial feelings and provide you with the knowledge necessary to move on with your life. Though you can’t take advantage of grief counseling in person, you can still chat with a counselor online.

  • Take care of yourself — If you’re not taking care of yourself during this quarantine, you’re going to feel gloomy and lethargic for a long time. Times are certainly tough, and losing a loved one is the worst thing in the world, but taking care of yourself will help you get through this difficult time. Try and eat right, sleep at least 8 hours a night, and get as much exercise as you can.

  • Turn off the news — It’s important to stay informed during this pandemic, but you can’t spend too much time watching the news — especially if you’re grieving the loss of someone. Too much media consumption during scary a scary time like this will only worsen your mood and cause all kinds of anxiety. Instead, turn off the news, stay off social media, and practice meditation.

If you want to learn more about how to effectively deal with grief during this pandemic or work with an experienced grief and loss counseling professional, give Soul Centered a call right away. This is a difficult time for everybody — but we’ll get through it and come out even stronger!


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