
Welcome Home To Your Soul

We hope that you find the healing and guidance you need to find your way home.

Ariela HaLevi Ariela HaLevi

Let's Stop Fixing Ourselves

Chances are, if you are reading this, you are a spiritual woman. You have probably been on this path for awhile, and most likely, you have tried countless times to fix yourself. You are super self aware. You love feeling in the flow. But your spiritual openness still doesn’t change the way you feel day to day: connected one minute, and disconnected the next. Perhaps you feel triggered by others. Most likely you have strong beliefs and patterns inside yourself that just don’t match up to the spiritual woman you know you are.

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Ariela HaLevi Ariela HaLevi

I Am Putting Me First, And Why You Should Too

I think that many of us jump start into the New Year with huge expectations and visions of what life will look like. For me, this year, I choose to slow down and hibernate and allow those seeds to germinate, grow,  and figure out what type of plant they will be.  

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Ariela HaLevi Ariela HaLevi

Manifesting Miracles in 2023

Two miracles this week, to be exact. I had dental surgery on two days of the first week of the New Year! Now, I know you are reading this and wondering how in the world this is a miracle, and how could I be so excited to have dental surgery?

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Ariela HaLevi Ariela HaLevi

Who is Living in Your Energy?

The energy of Winter Solstice is upon us, a time of resting, a time when the earth lies dormant, quiet. It is a time for sacred resting of the nervous system and reflection on our year before we awaken to more light

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Ariela HaLevi Ariela HaLevi

Home Is Where The Heart Is

I am a lifelong explorer. I adore sinking into a good book, an amazing retreat, and the quiet of nature to let learning come from my higher self and Spirit. This past weekend, I dove head first into a work training that explored the true way to manifest and bring deep abundance to my life.

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Ariela HaLevi Ariela HaLevi

What wants to be awakened within you

Here is the truth. I teach what I have learned. And I have struggled with feeling the Divine inside of my being and body. I have had real sit downs with the Divine and expressed frustration that this human body is so flawed, the stories inside my body so real, I doubt the Divine dwells inside of that. Can the Divine truly reside where there is shame and doubt?

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Ariela HaLevi Ariela HaLevi

Spiritual Bypassing in the Age of Transformation

I admit it. I am obsessed with ascending. The message of today’s post-Covid world in the spiritual circles I follow tells me that we are headed into a New Earth. We are in an age of major transformation, and we need to build our spiritual, intuitive and healing muscles to prepare for the influx of light energy that is flowing to us.

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Ariela HaLevi Ariela HaLevi

The Grief of Transitions

Perhaps, there's wisdom in our transitions, as hard as they may be. During this time of children leaving my home, I have awakened to deeper boundaries, more self care, and a depth of self trust that I haven’t been able to give to myself because I lacked the time and space.

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Ariela HaLevi Ariela HaLevi

How to Step Into Your Intuitive Gifts

Recently, I have felt more alive and more exhausted than ever before. You would think feeling alive had nothing to do with feeling exhausted! I wish that were the case! However, what I have been intuiting is that I am going through some big changes, awakenings, and powerful shifts that require a lot of restructuring of my nervous system.

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Ariela HaLevi Ariela HaLevi

Root Down To Rise Up

October is a beautiful month here in sunny Colorado. I love the harvest festivals and cooler weather. If you go into the mountains, you can see the beautiful fall colors surrounded by majestic, snow-capped mountains. It’s as if Mother Earth knows exactly how to transition from one season to the next with such ease and grace, naturally, intuitively, and magically. 

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Ariela HaLevi Ariela HaLevi

Reclaiming Little Shoshie

My daughter, Shoshana, reminds me of me when I was young. Same curls, similar walk, sensitive, more introverted than extroverted, loves art, animals, and (she doesn’t realize it yet but) mountains too!

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Ariela HaLevi Ariela HaLevi

This Is Your Sign

I love signs. No, not billboard signs, although sometimes I love those too. Last week I was driving with my husband. Silently, I asked my guides to send me signs that my mom, who is on the other side, was with Max, my cat that just passed to the other side three weeks ago.

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Ariela HaLevi Ariela HaLevi

Balancing Your Life is Bullsh!t

If there is one thing almost all of my clients struggle with, it is feeling out of balance. This imbalance plays out in different ways, depending on age, stage of life, the degree of feeling disconnected from Spirit, and life traumas and transitions.

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Ariela HaLevi Ariela HaLevi

Why I Need to Watch the Bachelorette and Eat Popcorn, Often

What if everything you were taught were flipped on its head, and you woke up to discover that your sovereignty runs like a river inside of you? What if the power you have been giving away is actually yours, and She is actually a living, breathing light right inside your left hand?

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Ariela HaLevi Ariela HaLevi

LOVE: In Honor of Our Max the Cat

My beloved, beautiful cat was hit and killed by a car in front of my house. As we were about to move our son into his first apartment in college, the loss of our cat brought us to our knees and stopped us in our tracks. All the busyness vanished as death took a hold of the six of us, forced us to stop, remember what was important, and where we come from.

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Ariela HaLevi Ariela HaLevi

The Wisdom of Integration

If you are like me, perhaps you have opened to your spiritual gifts, yet feel alone in circles you have been a part of in the past. Maybe you know you have a strong intuition, but the real-world fears and daily masculine way of pushing and doing more is making you feel disconnected, making you question if you can even connect to Spirit. Still, a part of you knows that when you feel connected to Spirit, magic flows and signs and synchronicities are everywhere.

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Ariela HaLevi Ariela HaLevi

The Power of Women's Circles

Women’s circles are a powerful container that provides support, creativity, and sharing of ideas, and has the power to translate into something much larger and more palpable. There is a ripple effect that positively impacts society at large. And we need this today more than ever.

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Ariela HaLevi Ariela HaLevi

The Power of YOU

The world is changing and we are standing on the cusp of transformation and ascension like never before. The force of Leo is here, along with her fire. The call to dance in the flames of your authentic voice is potent.

The Leo energy is calling you to remember:

You are more than enough.
You are worthy.
You deserve to live in wealth; wealthy in love, money, time, relationships, and joy.
You are powerful.

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Ariela HaLevi Ariela HaLevi

Find Your Soul Tribe

The Sacred Center Circle is here to help you tap into these incoming energies and your potential in a way that will genuinely help you to transform your life and the world.

Steeped in ritual and guided by my channeling from the Divine Feminine and her Guides (alongside your own team of loving supporters). This Sacred Center Circle is an intimate gathering that occurs twice per month for ninety minutes each session.

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Start your journey

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